Warning..these books are for mature readers!!I'm really excited to be adding Sherrylyn's books because I absolutely love them. Her book series hold a special places in my heart. She is a fantastic writer. Her books are funny, sad, exciting, witty and full of every emotion possible. I was laughing one minute and cry the next. It's a great roller coaster ride of emotions but totally worth it because the girl always gets the HOT guy in these books ;) You will just love all her characters and her stories are amazing and so imaginative. Check out all her books on her website. She has tons of books and series.
(FYI-As you may have noticed each title is rated seperatly. I have placed a R (for Rating) plus the number of hearts I would have placed there. This way I will not take up so much space.)
Dark Hunter Series /Were Hunter Series/ Dream Hunter Series
Reading Order
1. Fantacy Lover (R-5)
2. Night Pleasures (R-5)
3. Night Embrace (R-5)
4. Dance With The Devil (R-4)
5. Kiss of the Night (R-4)
6. Night Play (R-5)
7. Seize the Night (R-5)
8. Sins of the Night (R-4)
9. Unleash the Night (R-4)
10. Dark Side of the Moon (R-4)
11. Fear the Darkness (R-4)
12. The Dream-Hunter (R-4)
13. Upon the Midnight Clear (R-4)
14. Devil May Cry (R-5)
15. Dream Chaser (R-4)
16. Acheron (R-5)
17. One Silent Night (R-5)
18. Dream Warrior (R-4)
19. Bad Moon Rising (R-5)
20. No Mercy 8/4/10
Anthology for Dark Hunter Series
1. Bloodlite (R-3)
2. Dead After Dark (R-5)
3. Stroke of Midnight (R-5)
The League Series
1. Born of Night (R-5)
2. Born of Fire (R-5)
3. Born of Ice 12/1/09